Pentru acest tip de produse partenerii noştri sunt

Gerflor Group creates, manufactures, and markets innovative, decorative and sustainable flooring solutions and wall finishes. We develop specific flooring and wall solutions to meet every indoor market application need : housing, healthcare, education, sport, retail, industry, offices, hospitality and transport vehicles. Gerflor Group gathers several world-renowned product brand names, such as Taraflex®, Mipolam®, DLW®, Tarabus®, Connor Sports®, Sportcourt® and Gradus®.

The Bergo tile is the original, and from humble beginnings in 1972, we are now a world leader within multifunctional plastic flooring for a variety of environments, and we currently export over 80% of our sales to more than 40 countries. Our mission is: Any Surface, Any Problem, Anywhere – One Solution – Bergo Flooring! And we plan to keep that up!

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